At Clarity Road, we are big fans of giving you access to all of the right information – and so are these fabulous sites!
This week, CR is Loving exceptional eBooks.
The best part? All of these are available for free download now!
Huggies eBook Library
Huggies is one of the biggest sellers of nappies in Australia. They are giving back to their customers by publishing a broad range of free information for parents of young children. Huggies have created a special range of eBooks for you to download free, print and keep on hand when you need them. Their database includes Planning for a Baby, a New Parents Guide and a Lifestyle, Relationships and Sex eBook to help you adjust to parenting on multiple levels.
See the full eBook database here.
CanTeen eBook Library
CanTeen has developed a wide range of easy to read, helpful information resources specific to young people affected by cancer.
Their website features a suite of more than ten publications aimed at helping young people deal with the physical, emotional and practical impact of living with cancer. The eBooks are aimed at both sufferers of cancer and young people whose family or friends are impacted by the disease.
All of the CanTeen resources are all available online. Hard copies can also be obtained through their online order form.
See the full CanTeen database here.
Separation: A Guide for Women
Women’s Legal Service
Women’s Legal Service specialise in domestic violence and complex family law matters. Their eBook on separation provides a comprehensive overview of legal information for women who are considering or who have separated from their partner.
If you are in need of reliable legal advice, look no further.
Women and Separation: Managing New Horizons
Relationships Australia
While the WLS handbooks contain practical information on the legalities of separation, this eBook by Relationships Australia focuses more on the emotional toll that relationship breakdown takes. The eBook can help you to understand your feelings, guide you through constructive choices and to raise you awareness of support services available to you.