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CR Is Loving – Our National Helplines

Photo Credit: Anees Prince

We will all experience our own moments of personal hardship.
You may find it difficult to cope with the death of a loved one.
You may have trouble adjusting to the demands of parenthood.
You may struggle to help a loved one who has suffered assault.
Who can you call when you need support?
Clarity Road is tipping our hat to the helplines giving support to Australians in need.

Lifeline – 13 11 14

Lifeline is the peak crisis support hotline in Australia. Counselling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Lifeline’s focus is on providing non-judgemental support and assistance to people who are struggling to cope with difficulties in their lives. They are an immediate point of contact for people who are feeling overwhelmed or suicidal, and aim to help reduce stress and promote the management of future crises.

Lifeline also offers a range of useful online resources for the improvement of mental health.

If you are in crisis, visit the Lifeline website or call 13 11 14.

Parentline Australia

Parentline is a confidential phone service that provides professional counselling and support for parents and carers.

In particular, parentline specialises in:

  • parenting strategies for challenging behaviours
  • parent-child relationships
  • custody and access, and the
  • emotional well-being of children and young people

Hotline numbers vary state to state: find the relevant contact for your area through the Parentline website.

1800RESPECT (1800 737 732)

1800 RESPECT is the national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service for Australians. The hotline is open 24/7, and can provide professional support and advice now.

The 1800RESPECT website also contains important information for family, friends and colleagues of those affected by sexual or domestic violence.

Call their hotline on 1800 737 732 or visit their website today.

Women’s Legal Service – Legal Advice Lines

Women’s Legal Service Australia is a national network of legal centres offering specialised legal support to women. Each state has their own centre(s) that offer legal advice line services. At nominated times across the week, women can phone the helpline and access free legal advice for domestic violence and family law matters.

Head to the Women’s Legal Service Australia website to find your local hotline. 


Give Yourself A Break

Taking a break means prioritising self-care in whatever way nourishes your soul. It could be taking a holiday, going to the hair dresser, doing a dance class, art class, or yoga, meditation, deep breathing, laughing with a friend, or visualising a happy place. “Stress mode” cannot coexist with “relaxation mode”, so find a way to relax and take a break.

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CR is Loving – Clothes That Care

Established in 2013, Clothes That Care Inc. are passionate advocates for the dis-advantaged, the needy and the politically under-represented members of our communities. Their mission is to provide advocacy for those in need and otherwise forgotten by providing quality goods when they need it most.

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Churchie Gender Summit

This week, Julie was invited to Churchie Anglican Grammar School to speak at the Year 9 Gender Summit. The Gender Summit saw boys from Year 9 welcome invited delegates from St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School, St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School, Somerville House, Moreton Bay College and Lourdes Hill College. The event engages young future leaders in issues surrounding gender equality, specifically examining the challenges that lie ahead for a more gender equitable Australia.

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