National Support Services for Men
Lifeline provides access to crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services, including a 24 hour hotline. Call 13 11 14.
Mensline is a free, confidential phone-based referral and support service for men. Mensline offers professional counselling and information for men around issues of domestic and family violence, relationship issues, men’s health, family law issues, child support, depression and any other significant issues for men. They have established online, video or telephone support services that operate 24/7. Visit their site or call 1800 811 811.
Australian Men’s Shed Association offers a physical environment in which men can meet up and work together. They recognize a Men’s Shed as any community-based, non-profit, non-commercial organization that is accessible to all men and whose primary activity is the provision of a safe, friendly and healing environment where men are able to work on meaningful projects at their own pace in their own time in the company of other men. A major objective is to advance the well-being and health of their male members and to encourage social inclusion.
Dads in Distress offers peer support that aims to provide help and hope for separated dads and their families. You can talk with someone who has personally experienced separation and discover what it might take for you to get through it.
Lone Fathers Australia is a national peak body for separated parents, is a non-sexist, non-sectarian, non-profit, and self-help educational and welfare organisation devoted to the interests of lone fathers and their children, as well as their friends, extended family, and carers. Membership is open to all separated parents – with the proviso that members must be willing to help financially support their children. There are more than 20 centres nationally – go to website to find a centre in your area.
Man Enough develops and presents programs to help men make positive changes to their lives. It has been put together by a small group of experienced therapists and coaches who passionately believe in the power and grace of men.
Queensland Services
Men’s Wellbeing is about developing the wellbeing of men to foster healthy relationships, families and communities. This service has Weekend Gatherings, Men’s Groups, Retreats and other activities based in the south-east region of Queensland, as well as ample online support.
The Men’s Information and Support Association provides an effective, efficient, non-discriminatory service for the citizens north of Brisbane city. They assist in the redefinition of men in society and aim to reduce the incidence of violence within families, schools and society by providing access to counselling services, legal advice and Triple P parenting programs.
New South Wales Services
Men’s Wellbeing is about developing the wellbeing of men to foster healthy relationships, families and communities. This service has weekend gatherings, men’s groups, retreats and other activities based in northern New South Wales as well as ample online support.
Families NSW also offer a series of downloadable information sheets and toolkits aimed at assisting fathers of young children.
Victoria Services
Men Alive is a group that aims to bring clarity, knowledge, awareness, love and purpose to a person’s life. It caters for Men in Groups or in Individual Counselling, providing forums to support men and to gain feedback from other men in a similar position.
South Australia Services
Men’s Health SA is committed to achieving better health and wellbeing outcomes for men and boys through practical innovative programs and initiatives, and by working collaboratively with other likeminded organisations. They also offer useful information catered toward preventing men’s suicide and dealing with depression.
ACT Services
Menslink is a Canberra charity that supports men across the ACT region. They aim to help them develop their positive potential in all walks of life through a mentoring program and counselling service.
Canberra Men’s Centre support men who have issues with violence and abusive behaviour in their lives – as perpetrators, as victims, sometimes as both.
Tasmania Services
TassieMale is a free Tasmania-wide support program for men. It aims to support men when they have questions and concerns about life matters such as family and personal relationships, parenting, health or work issues, and are unsure where to turn for information and assistance. They offer support services over the phone as well as 8-week self-help programs.
TasMen is a small organisation run by volunteers that seeks to build community by supporting and promoting the health and wellbeing of men and boys. They offer a variety of different men’s support groups and also hold regular social gatherings.
Northern Territory Services
Men and Family Relationship Services NT offers Pursuit of Relationship services that are useful for men who realise they are doing some things that are damaging their relationships, and want to change their thinking and actions in order to improve this. They also provide men’s counselling which aims to support men and boys of all ages to gain understanding and strength in their relationships with partners, children, family and friends.