Photo credit: 401K2012
Money and you. How well do you manage your finances? Are you receiving every benefit you can from your circumstances? Here are just a few websites that we love to regularly review to see whether our money is working the hardest it possibly can for us.
ATO – The Australian Taxation Office provides a wealth of information to individuals, from superannuation to deadlines for payments. You can download forms, and even complete your tax obligations online for free.
Tax Payers Australia is a not-for-profit organisation committed to a fairer and more transparent taxation system for every Australian taxpayer. Their aim is to provide taxation practitioners, superannuation professionals, small businesses and individuals with up-to-date, informative and above all understandable information about taxation – to ensure that both yourself, your business, and your clients, pay the right amount of tax and not a cent more.
Taxation Ombudsman is an organisation established to consider and investigate complaints from people who believe they have been treated unfairly or unreasonably by an Australian Government department or agency, including the Australian Taxation Office, Australia Post, Centrelink, Child Support Agency, and Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
Budget Planner is an ASIC resource to work out where your money is going. You can add and delete items, and save the results.
Pocketbook automatically organises your spending into categories like clothes, groceries and fuel – showing you where money is being spent. Setup budgets, see your balances and view your transactions. Giving you insights so you can spend & save even smarter. It can now even connect to your bank for real-time results.
Pension Eligibility – Are you eligible for a pension payment? This site can determine your eligibility for payments such as the Age Pension.
Superseeker helps you to find any lost superannuation. Seriously, if you don’t already have all of your superannuation payments in one place, you are losing money every day you wait!
Superannuation comparison sites:
All Things Money is a Government website with links to publications and resources for your money management.