Photo Credit: Emilien Ettienne
Hot on the heels of the new calendar year comes the end of school holidays and the start of a new school year.
And whether you are excited by this prospect (no more acting like Julie from The Love Boat and having to play cruise director for the little dears) or saddened by having to send them from your protective arms (especially if this will be your child’s first year at school), there are several ways you can make back to school as easy and painless as possible, for both of you.
If your kids have been going to bed late, and getting up even later, now is the time to start making changes. Get back into the habit of sending your children to bed at their “school days” bedtime. And start getting them up just that little bit earlier each day. If you have rules on school days about the amount of screen time your children can have, start to re-introduce those rules in the mornings and afternoons. And what about making the beds? Time to start getting back on track with the chores your children are meant to do each day.
A routine will help everyone get out the door on that first day of school. It should even mean you get out of that door on time!!
For more tips on implementing a family routine, try
Lists, lists, lists. I love a good list. But there is no point in sitting down and writing a list if you don’t also make an action plan to get everything on your list accomplished. So write down everything you need to do to get ready for the new school year, and also when you are going to complete those tasks.
Does your child need new uniforms? Write down exactly what they need, then find out when the uniform shop is open at your school. What about stationery? Check through what can be reused from last year, and determine what you need to buy. There are heaps of great online services that will do your shopping for you, but savings can be had if you do your own research beforehand. What about school lunches? Search for lunch box tips and make a plan, at least for the first week. Then get out there and get your groceries.
Another top tip, and my personal organisational favourite, is to sit down with your calendar, or smart phone, and write down all the important dates for the year. Yes that’s right … YEAR! Most schools will already have a calendar with important dates available online, or during the first week of school. Enter these dates into your diary NOW. You will avoid clashes later in the year, and it will help with planning for school events and things like pupil free days, or school dances.
Kidspot have some great organisational tips for back to school here.
Start talking to your child about school. Some children will enter the school gates on the first day with barely a backward glance for their poor anxious parents. Other children will scream the house down and become glued to your side as soon as you get out of the car. Talking with your child is the best way to discover how they are feeling about going back to, or starting, school. But make yourself available to listen to what they have to say. And be ready to give them plenty of reassurance if that is what they require.
Try this article from Raising Children for some great ideas on how to talk to your children about school.
Hopefully these top tips help you over the coming weeks.