Photo Credit: fdecomite
Jess is the envy of everyone on the Clarity Road team today. She is jet-setting off to Singapore for a quick getaway!
How many times have you found yourself wishing that you could just grab your toothbrush, fill a bag with clean undies, jump in the car and start escaping reality?
After a life changing event, many of us strive for something new from life. We feel suffocated by our present surroundings and can easily lose our sense of belonging where we once felt right at home.
Sometimes, escaping reality is exactly what we need to do.
Here’s why…..
Out of sight, out of mind
We have all heard this phrase thrown around in a negative light, but there are moments when “out of sight, out of mind” can work in your favour.
When you separate from your immediate surroundings, you are removed from the stresses of everyday life and the triggers for sadness. You are not prompted to do the washing by the overflowing basket in the corner; you are not reminded of work by the pile of files on your desk; you are not pushed into a bout of melancholy by an innocent question about your now ex-partner.
Escaping reality gives your mind a reprieve from the worries that burden you in everyday life, and can allow you to regroup and to reconnect with yourself.
As you are given space from a life that is suffocating, travel also allows you to reflect on a situation with a level head. The competing commitments of life at home can make it difficult to find time to ruminate over significant life events – let alone sought out your next move.
Sometimes escaping reality is all we need to be able to see an issue with renewed clarity and to pinpoint exactly where we see ourselves in the future.
New place, new you
Many of us can attest that it is easy to become rooted a certain role in life that we feel we must adhere to. You could be the mother, the workhorse, the shoulder to cry on – often all three.
While establishing a personal role is comforting and fulfilling, this concept of what you are and who you are meant to be can also be constricting. Life changing events can turn your world upside down and leave you feeling as though the role that everyone expects of you is no longer the part you wish to play.
By getting away from others’ expectations, you will give yourself the opportunity to forge a new self-concept and establish an identity that you are comfortable in.
Near or far, short or long
While escaping reality is a nice idea in theory, in practice it can be difficult to arrange.
Sure, a trip would help get my head together, but what about the kids?
Remember, you don’t need to leave the country – or even the city – to find some space to clear your head. Simply heading to the Coast or booking into a hotel in the city for a couple of nights will give you a sufficient change of scenery. Heck, even offer to house-sit for your sister over the weekend while she takes care of the kids!
It’s amazing how much difference the smallest of distances and shortest of timeframes can make to your headspace.
Practical travel?
Even if you have the resources and ability to jet off on a bigger trip, it can still be hard to conceptualise actually taking the plunge. The time, the energy and the resources to plan travel are things that many people simply don’t have. And what about a travel buddy?!
Don’t let these concerns stop you from escaping reality. There are some organisations out there making it a lot easier for women to travel minus the hassle. Girls on Tour is an Australian group that runs a range of trips for women who are looking for an adventure overseas or in their own backyard. They take care of the location, itinerary, flight bookings and even food for you. All you need to worry about it packing your suitcase – often easier said than done!
By escaping reality and exploring new locations, you can discover new aspects of yourself!
The Clarity Road Team